Author's Kit

NB: These instructions apply to the main conference. For the related workshops, please refer to the respective workshop page and consider any guidelines there in priority to the ones reported here.

The correct procedure for camera-ready upload is:

  1. format your paper according to the guidelines below
  2. register for the conference here
  3. login to the Assyst system and upload the camera-ready and the copyright form

Guidelines for preparing the camera-ready

All papers must strictly comply with ACM Conference Proceedings format, including the following permission block to be put in the bottom left corner of the first page (within margins):

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
VALUETOOLS 2009, October 20-22, 2009 - Pisa, Italy.
Copyright 2009 ICST 978-963-9799-70-7/00/0004 $5.00.

For workshops use the same text in the box, replacing only the last-but-one line with the name and date of the workshop, as per the example below:

Gamecomm 2009, October 23, 2009 - Pisa, Italy.
Copyright 2009 ICST 978-963-9799-70-7/00/0004 $5.00.

Types & Length

Page limits are those of the main conference. Shorter limits may apply for each workshop. Please refer to the relevant workshop page.

  • Regular and invited paper: up to 10 pages. Overlength pages (up to a maximum of two) are charged.
  • Abstracts for invited talks: up to two pages, still in the same format, including title, authors, text and references.

Graphics should be inserted, rather than cutting and pasting. Do not link to a graphic. The manuscript's graphics should have resolutions of 600dpi for monochrome, 300 dpi for grayscale, and 300 dpi for color. We suggest that you use a text box to insert a graphic (which is ideally a 300 dpi TIFF or EPS file, with all fonts embedded) because, in a Word document, this method is somewhat more stable than directly inserting a picture. To have non-visible rules on your frame, use the MS Word "Format" pull-down menu, select Text Box > Colors and Lines to choose No Fill and No Line.

To achieve the best viewing experience for the review process and conference proceedings, we strongly encourage authors to use Times-Roman fonts. If a font face is used that is not recognized by the submission system, your proposal will not be reproduced correctly.
If creating a PDF file, please make sure that you are using Type 1 fonts, which are embeddable. Please make sure that all fonts and subset fonts are embedded.

Each paper should contain an abstract of 100 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the document.

List and number all references at the end of the document. The references can be numbered in alphabetical order or in order of appearance in the paper. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets. The end of the document should include a list of references containing information.

Illustrations & Colors
Illustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All halftone illustrations must be clear in black and white.

Page Numbers
Do not put page numbers on your document. We will add appropriate page numbers to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.

Uploading papers

Camera-Ready papers have to be uploaded into the ICST Assyst online submission system. Authors of accepted papers will receive an invitation to upload their Camera Ready paper in the ICST Assyst system as soon as the system is ready. This invitation message, as shown hereafter, is not the message notifying acceptance:

Dear Author, Please log in to ASSYST system, set your profile and upload your cameraready paper for VALUETOOLS 2009 event. Url:

Username: [email protected]
Password: xxxxxx

Best regards,

ICST Administrator
Some Name

However, uploading is not possible until at least one author has registered. The Assyst submission system will drive you directly to the on-line registration page. Once registered, the authors will receive an upload key that will allow them to upload the paper.

If you experience problems with Assyst, please contact Eszter Hajdu (eszter [dot] hajdu [at] icst [dot] org) for technical support.

The copyright form will also be provided by the Assyst system.

The registration form requests authors to enter the title and ID of their paper. It is safe not to provide an ID but you must provide the title in order to receive your upload key. The Assyst System allows authors to submit files in either of the following format: .doc, .pdf, .zip.
We strongly recommend to authors to submit a zip file containing both the following:

  • the source file of their paper
  • the camera-ready PDF version.


To avoid delays The email address to be used for registering and uploading the paper should be the same one the above message was directed to (i.e., the one of the corresponding author). If a different person wants to register, he/she should contact the publication chair, have its new name/email address be inserted into the Assyst system (so that he/she will receive another such message) and complete the registration and upload with the new credentials.